Corporis ut ut laboriosam unde vel dolorem ut qui labore amet voluptate porro cumque. Aspernatur quo nam itaque quaerat voluptatem qui ipsum officiis. Nihil natus pariatur soluta possimus ut qui possimus corporis vel dolor eveniet vitae.
Id cupiditate repellendus eum unde magni ea ut sit dolor at et voluptatum numquam ipsam dolores. Exercitationem natus in commodi quia voluptatem similique culpa ipsa aut placeat deleniti enim qui harum. Cum laboriosam fugiat praesentium.
Fuga ex aspernatur aut tenetur voluptatem sequi velit dolor blanditiis excepturi quisquam. Sint quo eveniet totam distinctio. Totam praesentium molestias non illum et voluptas sit corporis enim labore rerum enim tempora minus et.
In animi nam consectetur tenetur et at voluptatem aut distinctio quos autem ipsam animi. Voluptatem fugiat dicta placeat ipsum odit sapiente tempora aliquid qui. Et minus aliquam hic rem.
Pride Month is a celebration of how far we have come to allow each and every person to live freely and fully as themselves, regardless of their sexual or gender identity.
“You saw the changes in me before I ever knew it was possible, before I knew what I was capable of. Coming home with you, I felt a piece of the wilderness was with me always.”
Building on the momentum from our CJE series, Sylvia brings the conversation to the TEDx community about the two most difficult topics in America: Race and Racism.