  • National Staff

Chris Philpot

Position: Development Operations Associate | National

Pronouns: He|Him

Chris is a firm believer in the power of community to drive social change.

A Utah native, Chris studied Spanish at Kenyon College before moving to Washington, DC. During his time in DC, he worked at the Latin American Youth Center, volunteered at local nonprofits, and pursued an MFA in poetry at the University of Maryland. In 2016 Chris moved to the Bay Area and worked at a bookstore and a nonprofit magazine before joining the Summer Search team. As a Development Operations Associate at Summer Search, Chris combines his commitment to social justice with his operations experience and, with the rest of the Dev Ops team, ensures that gift data is accurate and up-to-date.

In his spare time, Chris goes to drag shows, makes ice cream, and is a co-publisher of speCt, a small poetry press based in Oakland.

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