  • Community Staff

Trixie Cortes

Position: Program Manager | Boston

Pronouns: She|Her

Trixie has a passion for helping to improve the lives of others, especially those of young people through education and mentorship. Growing up in the Philippines, then moving to Chicago and attending public schools there, she found her way through a strong support network of teachers and administrators that became her close mentors.

Trixie attended Denison University in Granville, OH and earned her BA in Anthropology / Sociology in 2018. She then became a tutor and mentor with City Year in Columbus, OH and Chicago, IL working closely with her 8th graders. She also provides direct care to a small group of homeless individuals in the greater Boston area through another non-profit organization.

Outside of work, you can find her in the kitchen cooking tried and true dishes, or on a yoga mat trying to find inner peace. 

Welcome to the NEW!

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