  • Community Staff

Silvi Shameti

Position: High School Program Manager | NYC

Pronouns: She|They

Silvi believes that critical awareness of one’s identity can be the foundation of strength, resilience, and self-love. She wants to help youth feel empowered and independent in a world that is filled with navigating difficult situations and emotions.

Silvi is an immigrant and a staunch New Yorker whose childhood was built in Brooklyn. She received a B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Education from Haverford College. After graduation, Silvi joined Teach for America and received an M.A. in Teaching from Relay Graduate School of Education.

Silvi previously taught 6th grade biology and loved to watch her students’ faces as they carried out experiments and investigations in the classroom. In her spare time, she enjoys being part of a book club, traveling to new places, and trying out new recipes.

Welcome to the NEW!

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