  • Community Staff

Marisol Rivera

Position: Senior Program Associate, Summer Experiences | Seattle

Pronouns: She|Her

I value the outdoor summer experiences because participating in a backpacking trip can teach you so much about yourself and that YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!


Click here to meet with Marisol

Marisol is a Summer Search Alum who is happy to come back full circle to support High School students! Marisol understands the importance of youth having mentors in their life and to support them in reaching their life goals! Marisol’s background in supporting youth has varied but one thing is certain, she loves supporting youth because they are the future!

Marisol was born and raised in Seattle, Washington and comes from a migrant family and her family has been one of her greatest inspirations in life. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends as well as being a listening ear to anyone in need. Marisol also loves trying new things and having new adventures. She loves animals and owns a dog named Ammo who she loves very much.

Welcome to the NEW!

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