  • National Staff

Lindsey Roark Yee

Position: Senior Director of Program Quality | National

Pronouns: She|Her


Folsom, CA. | While in Washington D.C. for the MENTOR conference, took a break to walk in the city. One of my favorite games to play is “what do I notice?” That day I noticed the tree bark: design/texture = beautiful.


After years of working with youth in the outdoor education space, Lindsey Roark Yee realized she wanted to make a bigger difference in the lives of young people and Summer Search’s comprehensive program with Depth Mentoring spoke to her.

Lindsey led the North Bay Summer Search program team for five years where she cultivated a spirit of innovation and collaboration before moving to the National Program Team in 2014. For a year and a half Lindsey served as the temporary Regional Program Director while the Bay Area underwent regionalization before coming back to the National Program Team where Lindsey now combines her deep understanding of the Summer Search program model with her management skills in the pursuit of meaningful and high-quality programming for young people.

Lindsey holds a BA in Communication, a Masters in Organization Development, and a National Championship earned while playing collegiate softball for UC Davis. She received the 2013 Summer Search ‘Laugh and Celebrate Success’ award.

Lindsey loves backpacking with her husband, visiting her family in Grass Valley, crunching autumn leaves underfoot, holding a warm mug of tea with both hands, and playing with her two young boys.

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