Summer Search Blog

Stories. Voices. Perspective.

agosto 5, 2024

Opal: Finding Their Path

Summer Search Bay Area student Opal shares their post-secondary journey.

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julio 17, 2024

Celebrating the Class of 2024

“I stand proud of the tears and years of hard work I put into getting here.” – Elaisa, Summer Search NYC

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Portada del blog de 3Q

29 de abril de 2024

#3Q con Alex J.

Bienvenido al resumen de la temporada de "#3Qs con Alex J."

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febrero 29, 2024

[MIRAR] #BehindTheData: Sirviendo a más jóvenes negros, Parte 2

Una mirada más cercana a nuestros esfuerzos de participación y retención para apoyar mejor a los jóvenes negros una vez que ya estén inscritos en nuestro programa.

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febrero 23, 2024

[MIRAR] #BehindTheData: Sirviendo a más jóvenes negros, Parte 1

"Summer Search está firmemente comprometido a servir a más jóvenes negros".

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enero 3, 2024

Summer Searcher Made | Brankely Garcia

From the DR to BOS: a journey of growth and community connection.

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junio 19, 2023

Juneteenth: ¿Qué es la libertad?

158 años después del 16 de junio, Exploramos el concepto de “Libertad” a través de la lente de hoy.

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junio 1, 2023

A Reflection from Soel

“All the experiences and the people I got to meet in the process will forever be part of what might be the greatest moments in my life.”

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abril 27, 2023

Sylvia’s TED Talk: Grace & Excellence

Building on the momentum from our CJE series, Sylvia brings the conversation to the TEDx community about the two most difficult topics in America: Race and Racism.

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abril 26, 2023

Welcoming New Summer Searchers

Welcoming more than 600* students to the Summer Search family!

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