Voices & Creators


We invite all Summer Searchers – students, alumni, staff, and our partners & supporters – to submit original, creative content for the consideration of publication.

Whether an op-ed, a short film, a surrealist drawing, a week-long takeover of @summersearch, an in-depth feature article, or anything in between, this is your chance to share your stories, talents, ideas, and more with an audience of more than 15,000!

Your voice uplifts our mission, empowers our families, and promotes positive transformation where we work, learn, and live. Share it!

Featured Submission

November 6, 2023

Alex J: My Summer Search Journey

From Inner City Boston to National Marketing & Communications Coordinator: My Summer Search Journey.

Read More


Submit your piece or idea via marcomms@summersearch.org or the form below.

The Summer Search team will respond to your submission in an appropriate time frame. We’ll partner with you on how we can best publish and share your content, go over any edits, and solidify any additional details.

If/when published, Summer Search will include the creator’s full name, city, and state adjacent all published content.

If you have questions, ideas, or changes, the Summer Search team is available for consultation and collaboration at any point of your project.

Use of Content

By submitting a piece to Summer Search, you agree to the following terms and conditions.


All creators must sign and date an agreement (which Summer Search will provide upon submission) to acknowledge and accept the terms as outlined above. If the creator is under the age of 18, the signature of a parent or guardian is also required.

Submit Your Content

Send an email to marcomms@summersearch.org, including “Voices and Creators” in the subject line.
