Freedom. Through the eyes and artistry of Summer Searchers.
Creator: Abby Saint-Louis
(She | Her)
Rising senior at Everett High School, Summer Search Boston.
What Is Freedom?
A Poem by Abby Saint-Louis
According to the dictionary freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint
But to me it’s the right to be able to hear police sirens without thinking it’s for me even though i did nothing wrong
it’s not being scared to learn to drive in the fear of getting pulled by police officers for no other reason but the color of my skin
it’s being able to live in a city where the people in office aren’t racist
it’s being able to speak up without the fear of backlash
it’s being able to speak or dress a certain way and not be placed under a stereotype
it’s being able to go back to my country without the fear of being killed
it’s being able to walk home at night without the fear of getting followed
But maybe that’s just too much to ask for
Maybe the freedoms that i have are all i need
Maybe the freedom i have been given has been taken for granted
But maybe it’s time to use what I have been given to take more to create more and most importantly to be freed more