Brendan Hill

Brendan is the Former National Marketing & Communications Manager at Summer Search.

#ICYMI: This past summer, Summer Search Boston hosted our first ever #CaptureMySSummer22 Photo Contest!

This contest was open to all Boston students participating in any summer experience in 2022. It gave Summer Searchers a chance to capture meaningful moments, reflect on their experiences, and show off their creativity. Photos could be taken on a smart phone, on a regular camera, or on a disposable camera.

We’re so grateful to everyone who submitted photos for this contest. It was so inspiring to hear from our contestants about their trips and the impact that their experiences had for each person!

Our Boston mentors worked with fellow staff and alumni to choose our top entries, and we had some difficult choices to make, but in the end, we landed on three winners. Take a look below and read each student’s written submissions.

#CaptureMySSummer22 Photo Contest Winners


ISAAC A. – Jamaica Volunteer Program:

This picture was taken during recess at the local preschool in Kingston Jamaica. This picture is important to me because as this was an experience to me, at the same time it’s also an experience to the younger kids we entertained. Thought they may not understand now but as they develop they will eventually look back in their teen years and say “this reminds me of the time I played with a group of American people as a boy or girl. Hopefully it will inspire travel. This was my way of passing the torch this summer.


LEYNA L. – Environmental Justice Brigade, Greater Boston:

My peers and I are taking our first steps on the path of growth and expansion with Summer Search. To me, this photo represents new opportunities and friendships for all of us city kids. Nothing beats this moment of collective silence we shared as we encountered this beautiful scenery.


JESSICA U. – Global Glimpse, Dominican Republic:

This photo represents the friends I’ve made on this trip, including the ones with people we’ve met in a community named Barrios Las Flores. I was mourning the fact that I had to leave this community because their smiles gave me warmth. This photo is important to me because it shows me that these girls we met in DR were learning to use our technology, and their talent with braiding our hairs!

Congratulations to our winners, and enormous thanks to everyone who participated!
