  • National Staff

Stacey Thompson

Position: Director Of Learning And Development | National

Pronouns: She|Her|Hers

Stacey has Summer Search in her DNA. An alumna of our San Francisco program, she credits her experience as a Summer Searcher for her drive to help others use their unique gifts towards growth and positive change. Stacey graces our training program with her true insight and understanding about how and what makes Summer Search work.

Stacey spent three years as Program Director helping launch our New York office, before rejoining our team in her hometown of San Francisco. During her college years, she taught environmental education in Ecuador and served as one of our best interns ever, worked as a Project Manager with our North Bay team before graduating and being snapped up by our New York team.

The first in her family to graduate from college, Stacey holds a BA in Women and gender studies from Sonoma State University. When she is not serving as a shining example of the grit and determination we see in our alumni, Stacey is immersed in reading, exploring with her husband and children and scheming in the sunshine about rejoining the world of long-distance running and learning to build beautiful handmade furniture. Stacey and her family live in San Francisco.

Welcome to the NEW!

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