  • National Staff

Sherri Brooks

Position: Director of Learning, Evaluation, and Engagement | National

Pronouns: She|Her

My Photo:

Pembroke, NC. | The bamboo behind me started with a couple seeds planted to have two fishing poles. Over the years the bamboo spread until there were enough for 100 fishing poles. This reminds me of the power of one seed planted. One idea or one word of encouragement, can grow and manifest into something great.

My Bio:

Sherri comes with over 10 years of experience in college access programming and learning and evaluation. Sherri grew up in rural parts of North Carolina where she had opportunities to participate in summer enrichment activities where she explored STEM interests and built social capital. As an undergraduate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she was actively involved in recruitment initiatives that increased opportunity and access for students of color. After earning her BA in Psychology, Sherri joined Teach for America where she was able to teach high school science for two years in Charlotte, NC. Upon completion of TFA, Sherri went to Washington University in St. Louis where she competed her MSW concentrating on Social and Economic Development.

As a professional, Sherri has dedicated her work and study to the intersection of education, policy, and social welfare. She is passionate about education equity for under-resourced populations and using data to inform services. Sherri joins us from Pivotal Connections (aka Pivotal), a non-profit supporting education and employment for current and former foster youth in Silicon Valley, where she most recently served as their Director of Learning and Evaluation. During her 13 years at Pivotal, Sherri helped the organization develop comprehensive higher education support services that included academic coaching, scholarships, and tutoring and established their Learning and Evaluation department.

On a personal note, Sherri enjoys binge-watching all the things that encompass genres of comedy, science fiction, action, adventure, and crime fiction, and if something combines all five, it’s a winner in her book! She has found that living within 1-2 hours drive time from a beach is imperative to her inner peace, as are YouTube videos of puppies.
