  • Community Staff

Shawn Bradley

Position: Career Navigator & Internship Manager | Philadelphia

Pronouns: He|Him

My photo:

Lucerne, Switzerland. | This photo captures my adventurous side and my passion for exploring new places. Standing in the Swiss Alps reminds me of the endless possibilities that come with embracing adventure and stepping out of my comfort zone.

My Bio:

With a solid background in career program development, apprenticeship initiatives, and early talent engagement, I have a demonstrated history of designing and implementing effective career readiness programs. My focus is on empowering individuals to reach their maximum potential. My experience encompasses nurturing emerging talent, creating impactful apprenticeship programs, and deploying strategic HR strategies to cultivate growth and achievement. I am passionate about guiding individuals toward their next career milestone. My dedication to identifying talent and fostering meaningful progress fuels my commitment to facilitating growth and success in professional development and early talent management.

Off-duty, you’ll often catch me surrounded by my collection of plants. Whether it’s a sunny succulent or a leafy friend, I’m always on the lookout for new additions to my indoor jungle. And yeah, I’m definitely a people person too! When I’m not tending to my plants, you’ll find me out and about, exploring new places and soaking up new experiences. Whether it’s wandering through Philly, traveling to a new place or trying out a new hobby, I’m all in for the adventure.

Welcome to the NEW!

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