  • Community Staff

Muffy Torres

Position: Senior Program Associate | Philadelphia

Pronouns: She|Her|Ella

My Photo:

Jayuya, Puerto Rico. | This is my happy place, on my parents’ farm in Puerto Rico. Our island is sacred yet being developed at a scary rate. With more beaches being privatized, it is such a joy and privilege to be on this land my parents worked so hard for.

My Bio:

Muffy is inspired by the light within every individual and allowing it the space to shine at its full potential. She is invested in values of accessibility, expression, and justice. Muffy believes in the power of community and how every person, no matter their background, has something beautiful to offer. Learning and unlearning, they find the principles of Summer Search heavily aligned with their own.

Muffy has a B.A. in Political Science, with minors in economics and communication, from La Salle University. During their time in college, they invested their passion in resistance, service, and mentoring via AmeriCorps. Through an unconventional path, she took a hiatus from school to work on the US-Mexico border in El Paso,TX, where she worked alongside undocumented families and shaped an entirely different perspective. After returning and earning her degree, she has devoted her life to the communities she belongs to.

With a camera or paintbrush in her hand, Muffy is always trying to envision a new world, filled with kindness and lots of color!

Welcome to the NEW!

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