  • National Staff
  • Senior Management Team

Megan Sussman

Position: Chief Advancement Officer

Pronouns: She|Her

Photo Location:

Grand Lake, CO. | “It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.” – A.A. Milne.

Megan’s Bio:

Megan is inspired by the courage and bravery that Summer Search students show in stepping outside of their comfort zone and pushing themselves to make impact in the world. She has the gift of sharing the hard work, joys and challenges of our students with our community of investors in NYC and working closely with volunteer leadership to grow the program to serve more students.

Megan grew up in Colorado and graduated from Cherry Creek High School and the University of Washington (Go Huskies!). After College she stepped out of HER comfort zone and moved to London and worked in event planning.

Megan lives in NYC with her husband and loves everything the city has to offer. She is an aging-but-still avid soccer player and enjoys drinking coffee with too much cream, traveling, adventuring and laughing with family and friends.

Welcome to the NEW!

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