  • Community Staff

Kiana Taylor

Position: Program Associate | NYC

Pronouns: They|Them


Riverside Park, Harlem, NY. | The summer is one of my favorite seasons. It’s when you get to feel the heartbeat of the city.


Kiana grew up in the Bronx and graduated with a BA in Policy and Political Science from John Jay College. Kiana specializes in policy research, curriculum development, and being an advocate for people pushed to the margins of society.

They have worked with students from 8-28, ensuring they had adequate resources and support to matriculate to the next grade and college. Additionally, Kiana has worked with people experiencing incarceration and their families struggling to cope after surviving state violence. Kiana comes to this work because of their love of serving young people and desire to break down barriers to quality education and mental health care.

Outside of work, Kiana loves to take photographs of the city and their friends, watching anime, and cooking food.

Welcome to the NEW!

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