  • Alumni Board of Directors

Joel Falcon

Position: Alumni Board Member

As a proud Summer Search alum, Joel thanks Summer Search for all the support in helping him overcome the many obstacles of a first-generation college graduate. Now being a mentor in the program, it is a welcome home back to the program and he is very excited to give back to a new class of Summer Searchers.

Joel graduated from the City College of New York with a BS in Psychology and Business Administration. He hopes his experience with Summer Search can be a testimony and a helping hand in the growth and successes of other Summer Search Students.
Prior to working for Summer Search, Joel worked at The Fellowship Initiative, a college-prep and career readiness program sponsored by JPMorgan Chase that focuses on young men of color. Outside of being a mentor, Joel is practicing his Brazilian Portuguese and Italian and always staying up to date in political and business news.

Welcome to the NEW!

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