  • Community Staff

Imani Palmer

Position: Program Associate | Philadelphia

Pronouns: She|Her|Y’all


St. Mary’s Glacier: Idaho Springs, CO. | I enjoy being outdoors and this photo captured how I feel when I’m free to be. I am grateful for opportunities to travel outside of the city and be inspired by nature.


(Pronounced E-mah-knee)

Imani is a former Summer Searcher and native Philadelphian who is dedicated to contributing to the growth of the city that made her – starting with its youth. Since high school, she has worked in several roles with students infant aged to adolescents including her work as a private tutor, student liaison, and poetry workshop facilitator. Upon the completion of her B.A. from Albright College, Imani continued to devote her time to Philadelphia’s charter and independent schools as an educator and school leader.

Imani is inspired by and values the power of community and self-expression. She is the product of what a strong and committed village can do for a child. Her goal is to not only to be the change she wishes to see in her community but to also encourage students to develop relationships with their futures and inner selves so they may do the same.

In her free time, she enjoys writing poetry, painting, baking, listening to podcasts, taking road trips, walking and completing DIY home improvement projects.

Imani is proud to return to the program that she believes changed the trajectory of her life and introduced her to international travel and living abroad. She hopes to continue the legacy of inspiring change with the Summer Search community.

Welcome to the NEW!

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