  • Community Staff

Enrique Abreu-Ramos

Position: Program Associate | NYC

Pronouns: He|Him

Enrique is a New York City native who understands the positive impact of meaningful mentoring and wishes to provide the next generation of youth with the tools and resources to reach their full potential. Enrique graduated with a degree in Cognitive Studies and Spanish from Vanderbilt University, which helped shape his versatility in communicating and understanding students’ emotions.

Prior to Summer Search, Enrique spent 3 years working for the REACH (Recruiting Excellence in Academics for Catholic High Schools) Program, where he mentored gifted middle-schoolers from underprivileged backgrounds in preparation for their transitions into high school.

In his free time, Enrique likes listening to music, playing sports, and video games. His favorite sport is ultimate frisbee, which he played throughout high school and college (go Vanderbilt Armada!). He also has a soft spot for funny cat videos!

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