  • Community Staff

Chakira Branch

Position: Foundations and Corporate Relations Manager | NYC

Pronouns: She|Her

Chakira Branch comes to Summer Search with ten years of experience in development and fundraising. She believes that young people hold the keys to spark long lasting change and organizations like Summer Search provide a safe space for them to learn, grow, and feel supported. Chakira’s passion and belief in youth led change began in college with the Eyes on the Prize documentary.  A segment of this documentary showed Black children leading movements for their civil rights. At this moment, Chakira understood that the path forward was to inspire young people to actualize their power. Chakira has used her passion for young people and writing to contribute to fundraising including Our Turn and The Brotherhood/Sister Sol.

Chakira was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and is a graduate of Cornell University and the Baruch School of Public Affairs.

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