여름 검색 보스턴을 통한 참여 기회


Alumni Community Winter Food Drive

Saturday, December 21st from 10AM to 2PM (3840 Washington St, Boston, MA 02130)

IT’S HERE! This year, Summer Search will be hosting a Winter Food Drive at the Summer Search Boston Office.

The Summer Search Alumni community will provide one to two large bags of food donations to each family that requests it. This bag of donations will mostly include non-perishable food donations (such as canned goods, pasta, rice, and other food items).

We are excited to give back to the Greater Boston Summer Search Community and hope you can join us!



Swing for Summer Search

Thursday, February 6th at 6pm (Five Iron Golf, 1 Washington St, Boston, MA)

Join the Summer Search Boston Associate Board for a night of networking, virtual golf, games, great food and drinks and much more all in support of Summer Search Boston.

Early bird tickets go on sale December 6th!

Voices of Summer Search 2025 Banner

여름 검색의 목소리

Tuesday, April 1st at 6pm (GBH Studios, 1 Guest St, Brighton, MA)

We are excited to join together to celebrate our remarkable community through impactful oral storytelling at our signature event in 2025! Corporate and host sponsorship packages on sale now!

SS Internship Intensive Networking Session

Become an internship partner!

Summer Searchers works with organizations across Boston to provide talent recruitment support and connect Summer Searchers to internship opportunities. Our intern partners access a pool of more than 350 Summer Search postsecondary students and support their corporate responsibility goals and employee engagement with student-facing and other volunteer opportunities. For more details, contact Lauren Woody at lwoody@summersearch.org!


우리 협회에 가입하세요

Associate Board(AB)는 행사와 네트워크 참여를 통해 조직을 위한 대사, 자원 봉사 및 기금 모금 활동을 통해 Summer Search Boston을 지원하는 데 전념하는 젊은 전문가 그룹입니다. 

더 많은 정보를 원하시면 아래 버튼을 클릭하시거나 방문해주세요 summersearch.org/boston-ab.


연간 기부자가 되세요!

귀하의 연간 지원은 매년 더 많은 학생들에게 전문적인 멘토링, 여름 체험, 고등 교육 및 직업 지원을 제공하기 위한 우리의 노력에 힘을 실어줍니다.

지금 기부하세요


전화 또는 직접 회의를 예약하세요!

Want to learn more about how you can become more involved at Summer Search? Schedule a call with our Interim Executive Director, Stephanie Tafur, or a member of our team to learn more about how you can support our work! Email Sam Larkan at slarkan@summersearch.org 일정을 잡는다.

이메일을 보내주세요
