Su inversión eleva a Summer Searchers a líderes con conciencia crítica y adultos prósperos.
Join us as we gather together with our Summer Search community! You’ll also have a chance to hear from our new Executive Director, Darryl Huggins!
We are excited to join together to celebrate our remarkable community through impactful oral storytelling at our signature event in 2025! Corporate and host sponsorship packages on sale now!
Tickets on sale now!
Summer Searchers works with organizations across Boston to provide talent recruitment support and connect Summer Searchers to internship opportunities. Our intern partners access a pool of more than 350 Summer Search postsecondary students and support their corporate responsibility goals and employee engagement with student-facing and other volunteer opportunities. For more details, contact Lauren Woody at!
La Junta Asociada (AB) es un grupo de jóvenes profesionales que están comprometidos a apoyar a Summer Search Boston sirviendo como embajadores, siendo voluntarios y recaudando fondos para la organización a través de eventos e involucrando a sus redes.
Para obtener más información, puede hacer clic en el botón de abajo o visitar
As a volunteer with our Career Coach Program (CCP) you will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a Summer Search Post-Secondary Participant or Alumni. Our participants are diverse, reflective individuals, most of whom are first-generation college students, and many of whom will be first-generation professionals. By working with a Summer Search participant, you’ll have the opportunity to use your professional experience and knowledge to advise them on all aspects of career exploration.
Su apoyo anual impulsa nuestro trabajo para brindar tutoría profesional, experiencias de verano y apoyo postsecundario y profesional a más estudiantes cada año.
Want to learn more about how you can become more involved at Summer Search? Schedule a call with our Interim Executive Director, Stephanie Tafur, or a member of our team to learn more about how you can support our work! Email Sam Larkan at para programar.