  • Personnel communautaire

Ruby Kirby

Position: Navigateur de carrière et gestionnaire de stages | Boston

Pronoms: Elle|Elle

Ruby believes that all young people deserve access to skill-building experiences that lead to long-lasting personal and professional fulfillment. She is excited to continue the work of reducing barriers to professional opportunities and establishing programs that meet student needs in the role of Career Navigator and Internship Manager.

Ruby received her B.A. from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, where she was active in student-run policy initiatives and global social justice dialogues. After graduating, Ruby moved to Monduli, Tanzania as a Princeton in Africa Fellow at Orkeeswa School, a community-based secondary school emphasizing accessible, high-quality, holistic education. There, she acted as the Career and College Counselor and developed multiple extracurricular programs focused on strengthening essential social, emotional, and professional tools through dialogue and hands-on experiences. She also spent time as the school’s librarian, Model UN coach, and trumpet teacher and wore many other hats that allowed her to connect with students. After moving back to the U.S., Ruby continued to write unit plans for Orkeeswa’s Life Skills curriculum.

Ruby then completed an AmeriCorps VISTA Summer Fellowship managing the inaugural year of Generations Ahead’s Internship Program, which aims to empower young parents in her hometown of Traverse City, Michigan.

She loves reading in the sun (especially if near a large body of water), discovering new music, and hosting game nights with friends.

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