14 أبريل 2023

السماء البنفسجية - مادي لام

بريندان هيل

بريندان هو مدير التسويق والاتصالات الوطني في Summer Search.
مادي لام البنفسجي سكاي كوفر

أصوات ومبدعون هي عبارة عن منصة لمجتمع Summer Search لمشاركة وجهات النظر والإبداعات والمواهب والمزيد.

Maddie Lam

About Maddie (She|Her):

What She’s Sharing:

‘Violet Sky’ is the most recent single release from Maddie Lam. Violet Sky is a piano ballad that maps the atlas of a human heart and is a new sonic chapter that captures what healing can look like. As she shared on her انستغرام, “This song is so special to me and was birthed from the center of my heart.

You can stream it on Spotify, Apple Music, and all other streaming platforms!

Watch her video below or on YouTube.

In case you missed it, Maddie has been incredibly generous in sharing her voice and stories with us at Summer Search. You also may have noticed her face in our أصوات ومبدعون banner!

Thank you Maddie for all the beautiful things you do, and for being part of this incredible Summer Search community.

Maddie Lam: Sunflower

Watch Maddie’s Sunflower Song.


أصوات ومبدعون

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