  • Community Staff

Liz Carey

Position: Senior Program Associate | Bay Area

Liz developed an awareness and relationship with nature during her first childhood camping trip. With the guidance of a mentor, she learned to read maps, kayak through rapids, deepened her sense of place, and returned often. Through this experience, Liz reflected on her own identity and representation in outdoor spaces, and has since forged transformative relationships with friends and community who have nourished her feelings of belonging, self-love, and self-efficacy. As a mentor, Liz hopes to navigate experiences alongside Summer Searchers in ways that deepen their sense of personal values and boundaries, and ultimately allow them to practice decision-making while being true to their authentic selves.


Prior to Summer Search, Liz dedicated ten years as an educator in public schools and non-profit organizations, with a focus on trauma-informed care, violence prevention and intervention, and working with newly arrived immigrant students. Liz holds a B.A. in Communications Studies and Philippine Studies from the University of San Francisco. In her spare time, she enjoys tinkering with her camera, checking out what is in season at local farmers markets, and trying to keep her plants alive.
