  • 국가 직원

멜라니 라이온스

위치: 학습 및 개발 파트너, 인재팀 | 국가의

대명사: 그녀|그녀|그녀

Melanie was inspired in her teens, while working as an outdoor educator, by the magic that happens when people discover their true potential and has never looked back.

Over the past 25 years Melanie has been working in nonprofit organizations that partner with young people to use their power, potential and talent in personal, local and global leadership. Melanie received her BA in Community, Environment and Planning and subsequently, a Masters in Social Work and Masters in Public Administration – all at the University of Washington. Most recently she served as Executive Director of Summer Search’s Seattle Office.

Melanie is a long time Board Member at the Pride Foundation focused on LGBTQ+ people and our families in the Northwest. Melanie is a certified professional People Development Coach through the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara.

Melanie craves outdoor adventures and can often be seen cycling around town on her light green bicycle named Sweet Pea or run-commuting to work – her latest multi-tasking pursuit. She has made a fun, friend, and yummy food-filled home in Seattle with her wife Tina and their beloved pug mix pups Theo and Oyster. As a transplant, originally from Connecticut, she will forever be a double Husky when it comes to sports of all kinds – go UCONN and UW – and travels to visit family whenever she can including her 7 nieces and nephews who are growing up so fast!

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