Experiential Learning: Bay Area

Summer Search offers students once in a lifetime summer experiences after both their sophomore and junior years of high school. These are opportunities to have fun, build connection and grow in whatever way excites you. 

Sophomores typically attend an outdoor adventure which often includes hiking, lots of time connecting with peers and opportunities to gain leadership skills. 

Juniors are offered an array of experiences including service-learning abroad, academic programs on college campuses, hybrid leadership development program and a few paid internships for a limited number of students.

What It’s Like

Hear from students about their summer experiences:

(Pictured: Students on an outdoor adventure with Deer Hill Expeditions)


“My greatest success during my summer trip experience was having that huge confidence boost and proud feeling in myself when we would reach our goals and the top of the mountain, best feeling ever.”

~ Summer Search Participant

“To this day, I wear a bracelet on my wrist which I earned from my [Summer Search] trip. It’s a reminder that leadership is about service—a lesson I learned through my Summer Search journey.”

~ Jamal, Summer Search Alumnus

"나는 일을 계속하고 여름 수색 가족과 다시 연결하려는 힘과 동기를 느꼈습니다."

— 안젤리카, 베이 지역 졸업생


"Summer Search는 내가 마음먹은 일이라면 무엇이든 할 수 있는 용기를 주었습니다."

— Jana, 뉴욕 여름 수색자


"나는 계속해서 많은 기회와 모험을 할 수 있었기 때문에 Summer Search를 선택했습니다."

— Kalkidan, 시애틀 학생


"Summer Search 커뮤니티에는 성장을 위한 도전 외에도 항상 두 팔 벌려 환영받고 집처럼 편안함을 느낄 수 있는 놀라운 점이 있습니다."

— Dariela, NYC 졸업생 및 직원 졸업생


"왜냐하면 우리는 성장하고 싶고, 스스로에게 도전하고 싶고, 새로운 환경에 적응하고 배우고 싶어하는 당신과 같은 학생들을 찾고 있기 때문입니다. 그게 바로 이유입니다!"

— Chano, Bay Area Alum

Sophomore Experiences & Resources


We’re excited to have you join Summer Search  and offer you a Summer Experience! As a Summer Searcher, you receive a scholarship to participate in a meaningful and explorative summer experience. This scholarship covers the cost of the program, most equipment, and transportation. 

Your Sophomore Summer Experience is typically a 1 – 4 week outdoor adventure in California or another state. We partner with a select few incredible organizations that allow Summer Searchers to connect and bond with others, explore identity in a safe space, and challenge themselves as much as they’d like.

We believe that through a Summer Experience you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Try something new & get a little out of your comfort zone

  • Apply your strengths in new ways

  • Connect with others & form new friendships

  • Discover more about what you’re capable of

  • Focus on yourself and explore who you want to become

Although some Summer Searchers feel a little unsure going into their Summer Experience, many return saying it was a transformative experience they enjoyed, they learned a lot that they’ll bring into other parts of their lives, and would recommend to others. 

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Next Up: Sophomore Program Partners


Learn more about the Program Partner you’re matched with & where you can find even more info.

시에라 네바다 여행
Deer Hill

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Next Up: Outdoor Activities


Our Summer Experiences offer a variety of activities including hiking, rafting, and rock climbing. Most experiences include a backpacking component that varies in rigor and some may include another activity or two.

If you’re curious and want to learn more about some of the activities you might do, click through the links below!


When you’re backpacking, you’ll have everything you need to survive and camp in the outdoors all in a backpack. This includes your food, tent, sleeping bag and clothes. This bag can weigh close to 40 pounds, and you’ll carry this with you as you hike through the mountains or forest. Your trip leaders will teach you how to safely navigate through the terrain, use a map and compass, find & set-up camp, and how to cook in the outdoors. You’ll do many of these activities as a group and work together to share the load and navigate through your trip. It sounds hard, but students say it’s one of the most rewarding and empowering parts of their Summer Experience.


Kayaking is a watersport that involves a kayak and paddle – and that’s it! You will mostly like be in a tandem (or two-person) kayak, so you’ll have the support of another person to paddle. It takes some arm and upper body strength to paddle, but you’ll get the hang of it quickly and learn a few tricks to make it easier. All of our kayaking trips will be led by trained guides who will teach you everything you need to know to kayak safely and effectively. You’ll also wear a personal flotation device (PFDs) or life vest when you’re on the water.


Rafting or white water rafting is also a water sport where you’re in an inflatable raft with 6-8 people paddling down a river with rapids. As you’re moving down the river, some portions will be calm and give you an opportunity to play games with your raft mates. Other sections will have rapids where the water is moving faster and rougher, and you’ll work together as a team to navigate through it. All white water rafting portions are guided and led by trained professionals, so your experience will be safe and fun. You will also be required to wear a helmet and personal floatation device (PFDs) while rafting.

Rock Climbing

Some of our experiences will include top-rope style of climbing. Top-roping is a style of climbing where you wear a harness and a rope is attached it and the top of the wall. As you climb, another person will be holding the other end of the rope (the belayer) who will make sure the rope catches you if you slip or need a rest. All rock climbing adventures are facilitated by professional guides who will teach you the basics, such as how to tie climbing knots, belay someone with a rope, and how to rappel (or descend) down after you reached the top.

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Next Up: Sophomore Dates & Resources


January 2024
Welcome to Summer Search! Receive Summer Experience Information & Survey

March 6, 2024
Deadline to complete the Summer Experience Survey

Week of March 18 – 22, 2024
Sophomore Experience placement match revealed!

​April 19, 2024
Deadline to complete your program’s primary application

May 3, 2024
Complete any secondary paperwork & apply for an ID (if needed)
Be entered to win a prize for completing 100% of your application materials!

April 27 & 28, 2024
Join us for a Community Hike!

​May – July 2024
Goodbye talk with your mentor & receive equipment

June – July 2024
Embark on your summer trip!


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Next Up: Sophomore Experiences

Sophomore Experiences & Resources

Sophomore Experiences


We’re excited to have you join Summer Search  and offer you a Summer Experience! As a Summer Searcher, you receive a scholarship to participate in a meaningful and explorative summer experience. This scholarship covers the cost of the program, most equipment, and transportation. 

Your Sophomore Summer Experience is typically a 1 – 4 week outdoor adventure in California or another state. We partner with a select few incredible organizations that allow Summer Searchers to connect and bond with others, explore identity in a safe space, and challenge themselves as much as they’d like.

We believe that through a Summer Experience you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Try something new & get a little out of your comfort zone

  • Apply your strengths in new ways

  • Connect with others & form new friendships

  • Discover more about what you’re capable of

  • Focus on yourself and explore who you want to become

Although some Summer Searchers feel a little unsure going into their Summer Experience, many return saying it was a transformative experience they enjoyed, they learned a lot that they’ll bring into other parts of their lives, and would recommend to others. 

Sophomore Program Partners


Learn more about the Program Partner you’re matched with & where you can find even more info.

시에라 네바다 여행
Deer Hill

Outdoor Activities

Atque debitis ullam cum. Voluptatibus dolorum Facere et itaque Laboriosam ipsa doloribus dolores. Accusantium esse ab sit. Odio aut optio omnis dignissimos ducimus debitis sint. Est aut delectus vero.

Minima cupiditate omnis aut qui Molestiae nisi voluptatem estimate a nam voluptatem qui animi optio. Et ullam velit esse ipsam ut quis tempore id in nulla Molestias. Blanditiis rerum et neque ut 건축가 voluptatibus. Ut ratione praesentium ducimus quasi est harum hic consequuntur ea beatae. Et ipsum quidem blanditiis nobis fugit ullam et et debitis Inventore id dolorum Molestiae adipisci est. Porro rerumarchitectolaboriosam veritatis temporibus similique consectetur non praesentium.

Sit iste cum et vitae sunt voluptatem non est aut eos totam et eius natus similique.

Dates & Resources

Atque debitis ullam cum. Voluptatibus dolorum Facere et itaque Laboriosam ipsa doloribus dolores. Accusantium esse ab sit. Odio aut optio omnis dignissimos ducimus debitis sint. Est aut delectus vero.

Minima cupiditate omnis aut qui Molestiae nisi voluptatem estimate a nam voluptatem qui animi optio. Et ullam velit esse ipsam ut quis tempore id in nulla Molestias. Blanditiis rerum et neque ut 건축가 voluptatibus. Ut ratione praesentium ducimus quasi est harum hic consequuntur ea beatae. Et ipsum quidem blanditiis nobis fugit ullam et et debitis Inventore id dolorum Molestiae adipisci est. Porro rerumarchitectolaboriosam veritatis temporibus similique consectetur non praesentium.

Sit iste cum et vitae sunt voluptatem non est aut eos totam et eius natus similique.

자주 묻는 질문

여름 체험은 무료인가요?

Atque debitis ullam cum. Voluptatibus dolorum Facere et itaque Laboriosam ipsa doloribus dolores. Accusantium esse ab sit. Odio aut optio omnis dignissimos ducimus debitis sint. Est aut delectus vero.

Minima cupiditate omnis aut qui Molestiae nisi voluptatem estimate a nam voluptatem qui animi optio. Et ullam velit esse ipsam ut quis tempore id in nulla Molestias. Blanditiis rerum et neque ut 건축가 voluptatibus. Ut ratione praesentium ducimus quasi est harum hic consequuntur ea beatae. Et ipsum quidem blanditiis nobis fugit ullam et et debitis Inventore id dolorum Molestiae adipisci est. Porro rerumarchitectolaboriosam veritatis temporibus similique consectetur non praesentium.

Sit iste cum et vitae sunt voluptatem non est aut eos totam et eius natus similique.

우리는 어디로 가는가?

Atque debitis ullam cum. Voluptatibus dolorum Facere et itaque Laboriosam ipsa doloribus dolores. Accusantium esse ab sit. Odio aut optio omnis dignissimos ducimus debitis sint. Est aut delectus vero.

Minima cupiditate omnis aut qui Molestiae nisi voluptatem estimate a nam voluptatem qui animi optio. Et ullam velit esse ipsam ut quis tempore id in nulla Molestias. Blanditiis rerum et neque ut 건축가 voluptatibus. Ut ratione praesentium ducimus quasi est harum hic consequuntur ea beatae. Et ipsum quidem blanditiis nobis fugit ullam et et debitis Inventore id dolorum Molestiae adipisci est. Porro rerumarchitectolaboriosam veritatis temporibus similique consectetur non praesentium.

Sit iste cum et vitae sunt voluptatem non est aut eos totam et eius natus similique.

얼마나 오래 지속되나요?

Atque debitis ullam cum. Voluptatibus dolorum Facere et itaque Laboriosam ipsa doloribus dolores. Accusantium esse ab sit. Odio aut optio omnis dignissimos ducimus debitis sint. Est aut delectus vero.

Minima cupiditate omnis aut qui Molestiae nisi voluptatem estimate a nam voluptatem qui animi optio. Et ullam velit esse ipsam ut quis tempore id in nulla Molestias. Blanditiis rerum et neque ut 건축가 voluptatibus. Ut ratione praesentium ducimus quasi est harum hic consequuntur ea beatae. Et ipsum quidem blanditiis nobis fugit ullam et et debitis Inventore id dolorum Molestiae adipisci est. Porro rerumarchitectolaboriosam veritatis temporibus similique consectetur non praesentium.

Sit iste cum et vitae sunt voluptatem non est aut eos totam et eius natus similique.

왜 참여해야 하나요?

Atque debitis ullam cum. Voluptatibus dolorum Facere et itaque Laboriosam ipsa doloribus dolores. Accusantium esse ab sit. Odio aut optio omnis dignissimos ducimus debitis sint. Est aut delectus vero.

Minima cupiditate omnis aut qui Molestiae nisi voluptatem estimate a nam voluptatem qui animi optio. Et ullam velit esse ipsam ut quis tempore id in nulla Molestias. Blanditiis rerum et neque ut 건축가 voluptatibus. Ut ratione praesentium ducimus quasi est harum hic consequuntur ea beatae. Et ipsum quidem blanditiis nobis fugit ullam et et debitis Inventore id dolorum Molestiae adipisci est. Porro rerumarchitectolaboriosam veritatis temporibus similique consectetur non praesentium.

Sit iste cum et vitae sunt voluptatem non est aut eos totam et eius natus similique.

Contact Us


304 12번가, Suite 4A, 오클랜드, 캘리포니아 94607


210 Washington Ave, Suite B, 리치몬드, 캘리포니아 94801


635 5번가, 산타로사, CA 95404


우리와 접촉

우리와 직접 소통하세요. 여름 검색 연결, 그리고 인스 타 그램 여기 Summer Search에서 진행 중인 모든 새롭고 흥미로운 프로젝트에 대해 알아보세요.
