귀하의 투자는 Summer Searchers에게 비판적 의식을 지닌 리더와 번영하는 성인을 소개합니다.
The funds we raise together will provide the critical resources our program needs to provide 멘토링, transformational experiences, 그리고 post-secondary support for young people from low-income backgrounds. You are making a difference in the lives of young people. With your partnership we will ensure students turn their dreams into boundless futures and thrive!
Our mission is to unleash students’ potential through mentoring and transformative experiences. Beginning in their sophomore year of high school through post-secondary completion, we partner with our students to help them discover that they possess the talent and strength to carve their place in the world.
Interested in being a corporate sponsor? View our corporate sponsorship levels and their benefits below or click this sponsor packet!
For more information on sponsorships, please contact 필립 왓킨스.