Summer Search Blog

Stories. Voices. Perspective.


octubre 27, 2022

CJE: Unclog Student Debt From Your Talent Pipeline

The impact of student debt reaches far beyond its holders. In the seventh installment of our Championing for Justice & Equity series, we examined the effects of student debt on organizations, its employees, and profits.

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septiembre 14, 2022

Conoce a Malika

Summer Search tiene el honor de darle la bienvenida oficialmente a Malika Graham-Bailey, nuestra nueva vicepresidenta del programa.

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junio 28, 2022

CJE: Advancing Equity in Mental Health

How we can improve equitable access to quality mental health care for our BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities?

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mayo 15, 2022

CJE: Advancing Equity in American Healthcare

Addressing the vast inequities that exist at every level of the United States’ healthcare system.

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febrero 22, 2022

Al aire libre para todos: Subvención de acceso comunitario para jóvenes

Summer Search tiene el honor de anunciar que hemos recibido una subvención $300K de la Agencia de Recursos Naturales de California.

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octubre 5, 2021

CJE: Closing the Education Equity Gap

Summer Search presented Closing the Education Equity Gapthe third iteration of Championing for Justice and Equity (CJE), a three-year conversation on race, justice, and systemic inequity.

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junio 23, 2021

CJE: The Future of Work

“We have an opportunity to redesign long-held systems that have failed Black and Brown people, and People of Color for centuries.” – Dr. Angela Jackson

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21 de junio de 2021

Una declaración de orgullo

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abril 8, 2021

CJE: Building Racial Equity in Corporate America

Summer Search kicked off our Championing for Justice and Equity (CJE) series with a conversation about corporate America’s role in advancing racial equity.

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enero 31, 2020

Debutando nuestro Instituto de Mentoría Profunda

Mentoría en profundidad: una práctica que se centra en cuatro áreas de conocimiento integradas, incluida la inteligencia social/emocional y la formación de identidad.

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es_PREspañol de Puerto Rico