Summer Search Blog

Stories. Voices. Perspective.


octubre 5, 2021

CJE: Closing the Education Equity Gap

Summer Search presented Closing the Education Equity Gapthe third iteration of Championing for Justice and Equity (CJE), a three-year conversation on race, justice, and systemic inequity.

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junio 23, 2021

CJE: The Future of Work

“We have an opportunity to redesign long-held systems that have failed Black and Brown people, and People of Color for centuries.” – Dr. Angela Jackson

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abril 8, 2021

CJE: Building Racial Equity in Corporate America

Summer Search kicked off our Championing for Justice and Equity (CJE) series with a conversation about corporate America’s role in advancing racial equity.

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enero 31, 2020

Debutando nuestro Instituto de Mentoría Profunda

Mentoría en profundidad: una práctica que se centra en cuatro áreas de conocimiento integradas, incluida la inteligencia social/emocional y la formación de identidad.

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agosto 21, 2018

Podcast: A Conversation on Identity

Welcome to our first podcast — created and hosted by Summer Searcher Kenny Mai.

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enero 17, 2018

Chris Long Teams Up with Michelle Obama and Summer Search

“I am excited to partner with Summer Search on a couple of important initiatives to make a difference for deserving young people.”

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enero 20, 2017

Thanking Your Mentor

At Summer Search, gratitude is part of everything we do. One of our core values is to “say thank you seven times.”

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julio 21, 2016

Summer Searchers in the White House

“There is nothing more important you can do for yourself than get your education.” – Michelle Obama

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