ব্রেন্ডন হিল

ব্রেন্ডন হলেন সামার সার্চের ন্যাশনাল মার্কেটিং ও কমিউনিকেশন ম্যানেজার।

Congratulations Summer Searchers! You put in the effort. You worked towards your goals. You took that next step.

Over the past few months, Summer Search students and alumni have been celebrating some monumental milestones and next steps in their journeys…

From graduations, to certificate completions, to post-grad degrees, to new jobs and careers, and much more. For many of our young people, they are the firsts in their families to take those next steps. #FirstGen

We’re grateful to share a few of the many wonderful celebrations from the Summer Search Class of 2024. We are so honored to witness your growth and determination!



Summer Search Philadelphia graduates from Mariana Bracetti Academy.

Our Philly students have been out here shining (and proudly representing Summer Search with our graduation stoles)!

In the photos above and below, you’ll see high school graduates (and mentors) celebrating at Bodine High School, Boys Latin, এবং Mariana Bracetti Academy.

As their mentors shared, “We have seen you grow, get through adversity, and rise to the top!”




Seattle students and staff at their 2024 Graduation BBQ.

On a beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest, our Seattle students gathered at our annual graduation BBQ to reflect, be in community, and celebrate together.

As their mentors shared on Instagram: “We are so proud of our seniors and look forward to supporting them in the next chapter of their lives.”

Plus, shout-out to Seattle mentor and alumnus David, whose beaming smile you’ll see below next to his students!


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As the school year drew to a close, more than 150 Summer Searchers, loved ones, and community supporters gathered for NYC’s Summer Send-Off!

This event was not only to celebrate high school seniors beginning their post-secondary journeys, but also to recognize all the hard work put in by our sophomores and juniors as they head out on their summer experiences.

Elaisa, High School Graduate & Dartmouth Class of 2028:

Speaking of hard work, in an emotional post on Instagram, Elaisa (below), a graduating senior and Student Ambassador, shared the news that she had been accepted to (and plans to attend) Dartmouth College!

“I stand proud of the tears and years of hard work I put into getting here.”


Elaisa is a NYC high school graduate and rising Dartmouth freshman.



Three excited members of the Summer Search Boston Class of 2024.

Across the city, our Boston Summer Searchers have been rocking their caps and gowns in recognition of their incredible accomplishments.

Like NYC, our Boston community also came together for a Send-Off celebration, full of games, good food, and even a dunk tank!


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Bay Area Summer Searchers celebrating their next steps.

On our Bay Area Instagram, you can find Summer Searchers celebrating their graduations from high schools like Life Academy, Mt. Eden, Vintage, Napa, LPS Richmond, San Rafael, Cristo Rey, Oakland Tech, and more, all with their mentors by their sides!

Plus, there’s a big shoutout to Omar for earning his bachelor’s degree from UC Merced!

Emily Taing, Juris Doctorate Candidate at UC Law San Francisco:

In a beautiful post on LinkedIn, Emily Taing, an alumna who recently was a panelist for our “Career Paths in the Law & Policy Sectors Panel” event, shared this reflection on her post-graduate journey:

And just like that … my second year of law school flew by faster than my first! I am tremendously thankful to my friends, family, mentors, professors, and especially my law school classmates for teaching and supporting me this past year. I am thankful for the hundreds of donuts we shared and the equally high number of coffees consumed. I am thankful to keep on learning.”

Fabi Martinez, UC Riverside Graduate:

Finally, recent-grad Fabi Martinez shared this letter of gratitude to all of her Summer Search mentors, as she reflected on her graduation from UC Riverside (see her photos below)!

“I want to express my sincere gratitude for the significant impact you have had on my life. With humility and gratitude, I recognize that thanks to your support, along with divine guidance, I was able to achieve my personal goals.

My participation in the Summer Search program marked a turning point in my life, especially in my command of the English language. You have renewed my hopes and strengthened my faith in the process. Thanks to your unwavering support, I am pleased to report that I graduated from the University of California, Riverside, earning a degree in Liberal Studies with a minor in Education.

I deeply appreciate having been part of this process of personal and professional growth, and I sincerely thank you for believing in me and my abilities. God bless the program and all the people who work there.”


Join us in congratulating the Summer Search Class of 2024!
