Summer Search Blog

“The Remex” >> Stories. Voices. Perspective.


يناير 31, 2020

الظهور لأول مرة في معهد التوجيه العميق الخاص بنا

توجيه العمق - ممارسة تركز على أربعة مجالات معرفية متكاملة، بما في ذلك الذكاء الاجتماعي/العاطفي وتكوين الهوية.

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أغسطس 21, 2018

Podcast: A Conversation on Identity

Welcome to our first podcast — created and hosted by Summer Searcher Kenny Mai.

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يناير 17, 2018

Chris Long Teams Up with Michelle Obama and Summer Search

“I am excited to partner with Summer Search on a couple of important initiatives to make a difference for deserving young people.”

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يناير 30, 2017

Hermese Velasquez Takes the Lead in Boston

Welcoming Hermese Velasquez as Boston Executive Director.

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يناير 20, 2017

Thanking Your Mentor

At Summer Search, gratitude is part of everything we do. One of our core values is to “say thank you seven times.”

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نوفمبر 16, 2016

NFL-Sized Support

From the Philadelphia, to Seattle, to all across the Summer Search network, we are grateful for the support of our partners who help us continue to make an impact in the communities we serve.

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أغسطس 18, 2016

Ingredients for Success

Annissa describes how this opportunity to connect with Andy was helping her fulfill a dream.

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يوليو 21, 2016

Summer Searchers in the White House

“There is nothing more important you can do for yourself than get your education.” – Michelle Obama

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أبريل 27, 2016

College Signing Day with the First Lady

21 graduating seniors from Summer Search New York City were in attendance at Michelle Obama’s third annual event to celebrate high school seniors choosing to pursue higher education.

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مارس 1, 2016

John Legend: Fighting for Justice with Love

“Think about how you can use the power of your education to do great things: to highlight important truths, to inspire action, to support a cause that’s close to your heart, whatever that cause may be.”

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